In the world of Twitter, ReTweets are becoming the defacto method of recommending content.
While you can create your own Tweets and use a URL shortener like (my favourite) to point someone to a web page you like, ReTweets are the simple way to do it.
However, the page you want to retweet needs to have the required buttons to do it.
The best one I have come across is Tweetmeme, it is a great site in itself, showing the most retweeted items, but even better, it has widgets available to add the retweet function to your website.
From a full API to widgets and buttons, it has a full suite of tools to incorporate the Retweet into your site.
To add a ReTweet button to your site, go to the Buttons page on Tweetmeme and either incorporate the Javascript code into your page, or if you are using WordPress, there is a plugin you can install that will add it automatically to your posts.
You will see it below this post.