Internet Explorer 6 is an old browser, in internet terms it is a dinosaur. Released in 2001, it has been the mainstay of peoples internet experience over the last 9 years.
The masses are often reluctant to change unless something pushes them along.
Firstly, Firefox gave users a good alternative browser to use (Better in my opinion)
Then came regular security issues, each time a further section of the browsing public moving to another browser. Most recently was the security hole that caused a breach in Google and over 30 other companies.
The key thing to note about this last issue was the speed and loudness of some governments urging people to look at other browsers to prevent further problems.
Some say that Firefox has overtaken Internet Explorer as the first choice in some countries.
However, there are still about 20% of the internet population using Internet Explorer 6.
I have now just read of Googles impending chang in in policy to cease support of IE6 from the 1st of March. This specifically deals with Google Docs and Sites, but shows a willingness to help push the remianing 20% into more modern browsers.
I support this as it has the following benefits:
- Wider support for the new HTML5 (IE6 would not be able to offer this new technology)
- Improved browser compatibilty with web standards
- Speed
It would be great if those 20% could not use Google at all, that would really send a message!
If you want to know more you can visit IE6 No More, a site dedicated to helping it disappear as soon as possible
If you use IE6, why don\’t you upgrade?