Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

Having a website is only part of the equation and being found is another.  

Search Engine Optimisation dove tails into this very easily, ask us about what we can do for you so your business is no longer in an Internet desert with no roads that lead to it. Getting found on the internet can be one of the hardest things to do. However, being successfully found will bring you many visitors. Most websites are poorly optimised and common mistakes are made that when corrected can make a difference.

Go for the Half Year package and save yourself time and money

Top Value

$2400 Altogether

  •  Add Google Analytics if not already present
  • Initial SEO Review
  •  Profiling 3 Prospective Customers
  •  Google Phrase Research
  •  Content review and modifications
  •  Monthly SEO Reviews based on our findings
  •  Reporting based on Performance
  •  Provide advice and suggestions to improve your website traction
  •  SEO for up to 20 pages and Your Top 40 Products
  • 18 hours of our undivided attention!!!

So You Know

Great content means well serviced visitors. The search engines love good content too, so we can help you in the formatting and generation of good content

There are areas within your website that search engines take extra notice of. Once you know these areas and the tricks to generate great content that the search engines love, you will see improvements in your search performance

There is so much more rich media on websites these days (audio, video and images) that you need to be able to make the most of these. This includes the ways they are included and described on your website, but also where they can be promoted to get the most bang for your buck

Voice is becoming a very important way for people to use the search engines and services. New services such as Alexa, Google Home and Siri enable users to ask their devices questions to find the things they are after. Your search strategy needs to incorporate the increasing usage of this method.

Links are important to the health of the internet and generating a set of links that come in to your website can bring both visitors and improvements in your rankings. However not all links are treated equally so you need to know where the best links are to gain.