Windows Vista is nearly here

\"Windows Well the much anticipated new version of Windows is released on the 30th of January 2007. Amazon is taking advance orders ready to ship when the release date passes.

Will it be worth it? At USD100 for an upgrade and USD395 for a full version it will be another chunck of money to pay out to keep up to date. As software works, there will be a requirement to upgrade over the years as the support for Windows 2000 and XP expire, but it may be better to wait than rush in and get it.

Possibly a early indication as to what to expect is the release of Internet Explorer 7. The last Release Candidate (RC1) was released a short time ago and it looks at first glance to work well.

Tabbed browsing and additonal security features seem to bridge the gap between version 6 and what is currently avaialble from Opera and Firefox.

With Firefox 2.0 to be released, IE7 may return to the cutting edge wilderness.

I\’ll bring some screenshots of IE7 soon and my observations as to whether it might be worth staying with or switching back to.

Till Next Time
