Youtube getting smacked with lawsuits, all because Google have money

SAN FRANCISCO — The media\’s recent legal and competitive challenges to Internet video pioneer YouTube haven\’t fazed co-founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who have diligently sought to make money for new owner Google Inc., as well as the creators of the content that fuels their Web site\’s whirlwind growth.“We have been a little bit silent, but we haven\’t been sleeping,” Chen told The Associated Press during the duo\’s first extensive interview since Google closed its $1.76 billion purchase of YouTube last November.

Read the entire story here at

Youtube is rich and ready for the picking, or so that seem to be since they were bought by Google.

With billions burning a hole in Googles pocket, many publishers of content are (possibly rightly so) suing for breach of copyright.

Some publishers are seeking to embrace this new technology, the BBC are actively promoting and supporting BBC content online, and I for one am glad I can see back episodes of Topgear via their BBC Worldwide initiative

So who is right in this case? Are publishers too trigger happy with their lawsuits to get money from a cash cow like Google?

Or should they embrace this channel and enhance their brand by entering into partnerships Youtube, Google Video and others.

I for one am now a Topgear watcher on the TV, won over because I was able to see a substantial amount of previous content to make up my mind. Who knows, I may have even bought something from the advertisers in that timeslot.

Now sport is at it, Whereas Chelsea FC have entered into an agreement to show their own content on Youtube, The PremierLeague has entered a class action suit to prevent EPL matches and highlights from being shown.

Now the NZRFU and AFL and NRL in Australia are all looking to see if the Premierleague is successful, or to join the lawsuit as co-complainants.

I hope these guys can come to an arrangement, Youtube has a process issue in that they rely on complaints to take down material that infringes copyright. The publishers dont think this is good enough.

Again it comes down to intent and interpretation, If you post something about your team how can Google tell programatically that something infringes copyright.

I hope the internet user wins