Key Ranking Factors from Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz

I love the video section at Webpronews, they have plenty of interviews as they travel the conferences including PubCon and the most recent being SMX Advanced in Seattle.

This video is one of the better ones as Rand Fishken covers off some really key findings from data collated on factors in ranking high in the search engines.

Some of the key points I thought were:

  • Optimised Title Tags are very important (can\’t emphasise this enough)
  • H1 Tags (Generally the main heading) are not as important as expected
  • Onsite optimisation (Content, keywords, alt tags, description and title) only seems to make up around 25% of the ranking factors, the rest are inbound link related 
  • Links from separate domains are important, rather than many on one domain

Have a look at the video, it is a good insight from one of the acknowledged experts in the field.