The internet has been hailed as a wonderful tool for everyone to be able to express themselves, whether that be for good or for bad.
There are plenty of bloggers out there who can write, just as there are plenty who can\’t, but technologies ability to enable everyone with an internet connection to have their say has flooded the internet with voice and opinion.
Twitter and other social networks were lauded for enabling protesters to distribute footage and news of the Iranian elections and protests. Historically, these images would have been less likely to make it into the public eye.
While not as serious as protesters being killed during political demonstrations, the XT network has failings of it\’s own.
Paul Reynolds hair has been widely acknowledged as the real winner amid the storm of publicity around the repeated failures of the XT network.
Who would have thought Trademe would have been the hub of one of the most intriguing protests of recent times.
Check out this auction of a Lemon (Sold as the XT Network)
Through the questions and answers section at the bottom of the auction, New Zealanders have been able to vent some frustrations at Telecom and their flagship mobile product.
Congratulations must go to the seller, for his efforts in replying to every question (well over 500) to encourage further conversation and comment about the networks failings.
If you have time, read them all (It will take a while), as it is a really funny read.
The auction closes later on today, but for a week (and who knows what will happen once the auction closes), XT was vilified, parodied and generally made fun of by ordinary New Zealanders having their chance to make their point.